Usage examples
TIP: Although all examples from this documentation are instantiating each class, a single point of entry is also available:
$ddg = new \DDG\API\Api();
$result = json_decode($ddg->api('Disambiguation')->get('apple')->getContent(), true);
Response format
DuckDuckGo API supports JSON and XML responses. In order to switch the response format, you can use setFormat()
$topic = new \DDG\API\Topic();
$result = $topic->setFormat('xml')->getSummary('valley forge national park');
In order to facilitate some tasks, a few listeners are available:
Will decode a JSON response for you.
use DDG\API\Api;
use DDG\API\Http\Listener\JsonBodyListener;
$ddg = new Api();
$ddg->getClient()->addListener(new JsonBodyListener());
/** @var \stdClass $result */
$result = $ddg->api('Disambiguation')->get('apple')->getContent();